In February 2000 the Godly Woman class welcomed its first group of women. Founded by American missionaries, the class soon needed a third coordinator. 2nd year student Gertrude (Mme Gesson) Azeme was the obvious choice. She has been the sole coordinator for over 12 years.
A new group of 20 women is chosen yearly.

Starting with Proverbs 31, studies of women in the Bible, characteristics of godly women, and insights into having a Christ-centered home form the heart of the course. Bible studies and devotions include Rahab, Abigail, Rachel and Leah, Deborah, Mary Magdalene, Hannah, Priscilla, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary and Martha. There is a round table discussion with respected elder women about how to be a godly woman. Other topics are conflict resolution, purity of heart and life, personal Bible study techniques, abiding in Christ and spiritual gifts.
The women meet one full day 3 times a month for 8 months. They are introduced to practical skills and crafts that can make their homes and families comfortable or generate an income. The skills also give the women talents to offer their churches and communities. The women are expected to share what they learn with others in their community.

The teachers are mostly local Haitians already proficient in the craft or skill taught. The women learn rug braiding, knitting, applique, macrame, embroidery, tissue paper flowers and tissue paper garlands.

They sew aprons and headscarves, skirts, tote bags and pieced blankets or quilts.

They bake quick breads and muffins, cookies, yeast bread, French bread, sweet rolls and bake and decorate cakes.

They do art projects. They are introduced to composting, natural pesticides, fruit tree grafting, nutrition, malnutrition, nutritious leaves, prenatal care, childcare, dental care, STD’s, first aid, leadership, rights of women, responsibilities of a citizen, making bar soap, liquid soap and lotions.

They cook lasagna, pizza, pates (friedmeat pies), omelets, frittatas and biscuits. The women also learn solar cooking, solar fruit and vegetable drying, salads, baskets, hot pads, and to paint locally made chairs.

The Godly Woman class culminates in a graduation ceremony shared with the Young Leaders for God class. It includes a welcome song, prayers, congregational hymn singing, other songs, Scripture, and a skit. An invited pastor brings a biblical, motivational message. Receiving certificates and gifts ends the ceremony. The day ends with a craft exhibition by the Godly Woman class and a delicious meal.